DennisH37she needs tokens to swim in so pay the lady and if this girl want to we bring a big mtf suprise to all your followers you going insane in the brain dear followers so respect to yΓ‘ll and this shit you don't know because it's a german engineering secret but the reward you going to enjoy so wish this
DennisH37german engineering girl allot of luck that not all men are a sack full of waist and garbage creampt with shiiitttt
DennisH37so followers if this girl is almost as crazy like me but allot more happier and she want to set new standaards and give something back to her followers she brake this streamshit down and take this group of followers the first big suprise and then bring it out to her fellow streamer friends and yes
DennisH37she is going to be rich but you already knows to much of this secret developments we workin on she only have to give the green light and my work starts for the streamer by the streamer!!!! german secrets so respect her because white thrash we got enough in the world respect her but you never know m
DennisH37maybe she says stop this developments german style
DennisH37no stress keep patient respecteble followers because you all tiny bit part of the team therefore this message so stay kalm in the netherlands we say { blijf kalm kalmte zal uw redden} peace out semperfi
DennisH37p.s. blame the blues creaping up your brain... don't overthink to much peaceful followers god bless yΓ‘ll